The Fire fighters of the West Midlands are a professional group of people that are of absolute importance to this City and this Village of Wednesfield. We perhaps only ever think of them when there is a fire and panic and fear grasps us.
So its with this in mind I want to warn my friends that there is every chance that reduced Government support for our Fire Service will reduce the level of cover we enjoy today. I am of course not saying that we should ignore the need to modernise the force. I am not saying that. But what I am warning about is the threat that just reducing cover to match a reduction of finance, will itself raise threat to both property and life here in this place that I hold dear.
The Fire Authority Chairman Councillor John Edwardes is on record as saying.”the authority was facing increasingly difficult times. The authority faces cuts of at least £14m over the next three years.”
He added: “We are at tipping point. I am calling on the Government to listen to our very real concerns that fire stations and fire engines might have to go, and that firefighters will lose their jobs.”
“It calls into question our continuing ability to provide the effective and efficient fire service, and five-minute response time, that people in the West Midlands expect and deserve.”
Now this is an important issue for Wednesfield North, as it is for the City of Wolverhampton I want to retain the 5 minutes response time! Here is some facts relating to fire that has taken place here in our Ward of Wednesfield North.
I know my constituents were grateful for the fire service in Wednesfield North in 2013-14. Especially those that were affected by the 9 primary fires and 11 secondary fires that took place in our community.
In the same financial year there were 389 primary fires and 612 secondary fires across Wolverhampton. It is when this happens that we all look to our brave fire service to assist us in saving properties and lives.
Councillor Greg Brackenridge and Councillor Rita Potter talking things over with a Fire Officer at a fun day in Wednesfield last year.
Now let me state that I am strongly in favour of the five minutes response time. I think that we need to retain this. In the meantime support your fire service. You just do not know when you will need it!