What a fantastic day we had today as Councillor Mary Bateman and Cllr Phil Bateman joined with volunteers to plant some 600 new trees into our Park.
We already have an array of trees that are both majestic and imposing growing around The Park. They include species which are locally rare as well as trees from other continents. Which are now growing in the Ashmore Park. The historic record shows 60 trees that belong to the Common Lime species, and there are 60 trees that are known as Grey Alder. Whitebeam is represented by 44 trees. 37 Poplar trees and 32 Horse Chestnut trees. They are the biggest varieties in the Park, according to the Forestry Commission. Black Poplar is the most endangered native timber tree in Britain. We have 37 of these trees in our Park! How about that then!
There are also – 2 Silver lime (binomial name Tilia tomentosa) which is a species of Tilia native to southeastern Europe and southwestern Asia, from Hungary and the Balkans east to western Turkey.
Another of the varieties of trees we have is one of the giants of the tree World – Red Cedar – Thuja plicata is a large to very large tree, ranging up to 65 to 70 m (213 to 230 ft) tall and 3 to 4 m (9.8 to 13.1 ft) in trunk diameter, exceptionally even larger Trees grow in North America! In short you can see rather than Ashmore Park having just boring old trees! In fact we have a marvellous set of tree species that the City of Wolverhampton should be proud of!
Then today lots of people turned up to help sponsors Severn Trent Water planting day with yet another 600 trees and shrubs, being tilled into the soil, into what Severn Trent Water Company are calling a ‘Tiny Forest’ as part of their sponsorship of the soon to arrive Commonwealth Games, being held in Birmingham.
This planting event led to lots of volunteers turning up to plant the trees on what was a cold overcast day.
So Wednesfield, another 600 Trees and shrubs have been planted today with 15 individual British Varieties being planted by a large army of volunteers workers! The Oval style bed is now the home to these trees. There is a sign placed by the Severn Trent Water Company which explains the thoughts behind the project.
1 Alder
Alnus glutinosa 15
2 Cherry, wild
Prunus avium 55
3 Lime, large-leaved
Tilia platyphyllos 30
4 Lime, small-leaved
Tilia cordata 55
5 Oak, sessile
Quercus petraea 60
6 Hornbeam
Carpinus betulus 25
7 Aspen
Populus tremula 25
8 Birch, silver
Betula pendula 60
9 Birch, downy
Betula pubescens 30
10 Apple, crab
Malus sylvestris 45
11 Hawthorn
Crataegus monogyna 45
12 Hazel
Corylus avellana 45
13 Willow, grey
Salix cinereal subspecies Oleifolia 50
14 Blackthorn
Prunus spinosa 25
15 Dog rose
Rosa canina 35
What a fantastic Park is being created by planting and supplementing tree growth. Be proud of our family Park with more than a 1000, trees now planted. All making a great contribution to Climate change.