A Quick Round-Up of Wednesfield North Issues.

Your Councillors Mary, Rita and myself, often work together as a team. We try hard to ensure that we improve the environment and the lives of people who live and work here in our Ward of Wednesfield North.
Here is a brief round up of some of the actions we have taken recently with regards to issues that have been brought to our attention by constituents.
Graffiti smeared on the Memorial bench on the Ashmore Park Playing Fields. This has been reported for action. It goes without saying that if anyone knows who spray painted the bench, please inform the Police or any of your Councillors. It is an upset for many to see vandalism of this sort being targeted on Remembrance infrastructure.
We were requested to help speed things up! As we are trying to assist in getting the Easy Line Gym up and running at The Hub at Ashmore Park We are doing this by trying to assist them with two pieces of Gym Equipment that they have identified, as a requirement, and needs transporting. We got involved and I have now been informed that the supplier is arranging transport to deliver the equipment to The Hub at Ashmore Park. So it looks like this particular issue has been successful.
We have also been requested to assist where we can in helping volunteers who are raising funds to locate a defibrillator on the Linthouse estate. The organiser is a grand chap who with friends and neighbours are raising cash through sponsorship. We have pledged help in what sounds like a great project in saving lives.
I have been trying to assist a person with disabilities into the school of choice. I am pleased to say that parents have achieved their objectives, and a school place, in the school of their choice, has been filled. I am pleased to have assisted as the stress has been severe for the parent and the child.
There is a Care worker shortage locally, and I have recently received a request from a Care company to assist. I have passed the matter onto the City Council.
Since the start of the new Municipal Year in May 2022 – I have logged 92 enquiries from you the constituents.
There have been two Planning Applications validated in the Wednesfield North Ward in the last 28 Days.
They were in Shardlow Road where an application has been lodged for a detached two bed bungalow and Woodend Road where an application has been lodged for a Single storey rear extension.
Council Tax rebates in Wednesfield North stand at 3,631 Paid with a total value of £544,650. There is an overall take up Rate 73.7% meaning around 1290 eligible payments have yet to be granted.

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more
