It is Wolverhampton City Council’s Full Council meeting this coming Wednesday. It seems the criticism’s that we have made of the Opposition for being lazy and ineffective has kind of shook them into action!
They have laid ten questions down for this meeting.
They still could not put together an alternative budget last year at our Budget making City Council, when the City Council debated the financial settlement, and maybe they will take a different stance this year. We will have to wait and see about that.
But there is no doubt in my mind that something has shaken them out of their torpor for this weeks City Council meeting. Ten Questions- Wow! Maybe they have had a Tory Party Ofsted type inspection? You need to do better!
All in all this looks like it will be a lively City Council.
On the City Council Agenda is –
Future Space to consider updating the Civic Centre particularly the mechanical and electrical infrastructure.
Also on the Agenda is the Corporate Plan and the Governments own agenda regarding Regional Working and that relates to short hand for The Combined Authority. Now for me that will be interesting, and we may see what the others think of the proposals going forward!
Amendments to the Constitution – This focuses on new requirements in respect of the dismissal of senior employees.
Reviewing the Annual Scrutiny Report for 2014-15.
Plus the out-turn statement in respect to the City Councils budgets for 2014-15
My prediction is a longer than usual Council Meeting, some fire & brimstone from the other benches.