This is an up date on activities that have taken place, or are planned to take place across Wednesfield North this week.
- Broad Lane North – Yesterday following complaints and concerns about a ‘door to door’ collection, the local police team were requested to take a look. They duly did this and the identity was disclosed as RSPCA. They were not collecting cash, just collecting promises. The police checked the identity and the arrangements were lawful.
- Ashmore Park Nursery School will be holding a regular Governors Meeting in the school on Thursday 25th June 2015. The Nursery School has achieved an Outstanding rating from Government Schools Inspectors for the third time ‘on the trot’, and give their pupils a great start into their education life.
- Development – Councillor Phil Bateman is meeting WCC regeneration and estate managers this week to talk about development land, and future City Council proposals for Wednesfield North.
- Council Meeting – Both Mary and Rita are attending City Council Meetings on Tuesday- Rita is Chairing Confident Capable Council, and Mary is a member of that Committee.
- Bus Stop & Shelter – Wednesfield North and South Councillors have been invited to a site meeting in Bellamy Lane to speak with Centro about the future of bus stop and shelter at this location.
Road Safety
Your Councillors have met recently with the City Councils’ Road Safety Officer and with West Midlands Police Sgt David Stanley. The Officer agreed to two issues moving forward. Following site visits the road safety markings on Griffith Drive will be refreshed. The question of a review of the existing traffic calming to establish its efficacy is agreed overdue. However Road safety Officers cannot give a definitive time scale for such a review, due to the limited staff resources. When the vacant posts are advertised and filled Road Safety will be in a better position to give a timescale.
Children’s Play Area – Ashmore Park
Councillors have received confirmation this week that, the recently discussed Children’s play area (in Ashmore Park) consultation will commence end of July into August. Chris Jones will be the lead and will be liaising with the Hub on questionnaires etc.