Councillor Phil Bateman today said ” West Midlands Police have asked me to re-print this message so that you may read and digest its contents. Many of us have been receiving on going training around the Governments PREVENT programme. Whilst there is no need for undue worry. Like with all crime we all need to be aware of what we can do together, to make our friends and family, neighbours and community safer. This message from the Police is aimed at doing just that. All communities must remain alert but not alarmed.”
Dear community member,
Today sees the launch of national Counter Terrorism Awareness Week 2015, a campaign from the police service and partners to inform the public about the terrorism threat; what is being done to tackle it; how communities can help us, and offering practical advice about how to stay safe and be vigilant to the threat from terrorism whether at home, in business or online.
Following the recent shocking events in Paris, it is important to highlight that the threat level to the UK from international terrorism remains at SEVERE, which means an attack is highly likely. The UK has been operating at this level since August 2014 and it is important that following these events all communities remain alert but not alarmed.
The police and security services are working hard to protect the public and businesses from terrorism and this week gives us an opportunity to remind communities about this threat and help them to take the necessary steps to stay safe. The launch today outlines the current threat and what is being done to tackle it.
On Tuesday the focus will be on public vigilance to help report terrorist activity – both online and off – and explains what to look out for and how the public can get in touch with the police if they have concerns or information about suspicious behaviour or activity.
Wednesday will see the conversation move toward how businesses and industry can be best prepared against the online threat from cyber terrorism.
On Thursday efforts will concentrate on the dangers of online radicalisation and how to safeguard those who are vulnerable.
At the end of the week, in advance of one of the busiest shopping weekends of the year, we will highlight useful information that will explain how to keep popular digital gift items safe from unwanted external influences.
We recognise that in these times our relationship with the public – who we depend on for information about suspicious behaviour – needs to be stronger than ever before.
We are advising the public not to be concerned about the things they are unable to control, but instead to focus on what they can do that will make a difference, and to make sure they know where to get information from the police in a crisis, whether it’s through social media or more traditional ways such as radio and TV.
Visit the National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO) website at: today and every day this week for information around how to stay safe and how to be vigilant against the threat from terrorism.
Follow Twitter activity and webchats at: @Policechiefs or #CounterTerrorismUK
Kind Regards,
Wolverhampton Police