I thought that Constituents should know that I am having an extended debate with Wolverhampton Homes about the condition and look of the garages that they own in Snape Road Ashmore Park. I believe that the look of the site is one of dilapidation. It is a poor reflection of both the way in which assets are owned and dealt with. Wolverhampton Homes have a counter view and my initial request for the garages to be improved, has been met with a response that suggests that there will be no improvements undertaken because only three of the garages are being used.
I have not accepted the WH arguments and I have written to them again stating that ” there is some difference in that these garages face directly on and into the road, they are very much part of the street scene, and I have to say give a look of dilapidation. This faces right onto the PH and that attracts custom from far a field.” My argument is that the first view that visitors to the PH and to the estate see, is a run down road. That is not fair on that business nor for the people that live in the street. My view is that WH has a duty for as long as they own these premises to ensure that the garages look as good as the homes. I have written to WH Management asking them to take another look at the site and the garages with a view to improving their look within the street scene.