Ashmore Park Nursery School – Gee Whiz These Children Are Good!

As Chair of Governors I was Invited into Ashmore Park Nursery School yesterday to take a look at a Photographic Exhibition of what the Red Group Nursery children produced, as part of their current digital work project.

IMG_8581 Nursery Photo ProjectI spent an enjoyable hour in the class. I was knocked out by the way the children  worked together and by the photographs they were producing. I was also really impressed about how the children collaborated  together in partnership.

There appeared to be one or two budding TV or Film director’s there, it was very uplifting work being undertaken, and the children were magnificent. The work that the Nursery School produces is top quality. The teaching and the interest shown by the children is a ‘joy to behold’.

The parents of course will see the full project, but for me it was a very inspiring hour, and I feel that the children are getting a very great grounding in Early Years education. The skill and the inspiration of the staff take some plaudits here too. Inspiring and making the World of School a must place to come at these tender years is the right way forward.


IMG_8586 AP Nursery Photo Project

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more


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