It was good to catch up with new West Midlands Labour Metro Mayor Richard’s Parker. What a baptism he is having!
Nice to chat and he thanked us here in Wednesfield for the support in his own election campaign. Nice man, and he is keen to represent us well. Vote Labour #GE2024
Author Archives: Phil Bateman
Peacock Ave for Highway Improvement-Latest!
On this site and others on my other social media sites I have been trying hard to inform of our activities to deliver the necessary repairs to a number of highway defects in Wednesfield North, along with my fellow Councillors Mary and Rita. Highway defects are an on-going issue on all the highways that the City Council looks after within our City boundaries. Its often a contentious issue and its been well documented that the UK as a whole requires much more resource to keep our highways to the standards that the UK needs.
As a City Council we are set to invest nearly £10 million in works to improve, maintain and repair Wolverhampton’s highways over the coming year. Included in this budgeted cash boost is a dedicated fund of £500,000 which has been set aside to tackle potholes affecting the city’s roads. This additional funding will support the city’s existing pothole budget.
Among other proposed improvements for 2024/25 are major maintenance and resurfacing schemes across the city.
I have reported previously in Wednesfield North about Peacock Ave. This winter Peacock Ave has taken a bit of a battering. There has been some defects that have been treated. But, there is In addition to these completed jobs, Some defects that require further treatment with large scale repairs which are needed at several junctions, including the one on Peacock Ave where it meets the Lichfield Road.
To undertake these works safely, and to comply with legality, it is necessary to apply for a series of road closures on both Lichfield Rd and Peacock Avenue. The City Council are currently exploring options to arrange this. Your City Councillors are pushing to complete these works as soon as possible.
There will of course need to be some diversion routes and City engineers and the legal department officials are currently working on these. Any diversion routes will need to be coordinated with other works ongoing in the wider area. So there is a great deal of work still to be undertaken behind the scenes to enable all of this to be pulled together.
I am assured by the Highway engineers that once we have identified a suitable slot, they will undertake the work required. The appropriate notifications, will then be publicised, this will be work has a likelihood of being commenced in about 6 weeks time. As the scheme gets worked through, I will keep you update via my social media sites.
Have your say! Linthouse Lane.Green Belt.
South Staffordshire Local Plan Consultation Response. Regulation 19, 2024
The SSDC has set out its new plans for consultation on their green belt land that they had in the previous consultation plan, and which had been earmarked for housing and described as “in the land North of Linthouse Lane.”
This Local Plan does not include the extensions to the Wolverhampton Areas on Green Belt Land at Linthouse Lane. This land is now excluded from the consultation on their new SSDC Local Plan now going forward.
I intend to respond to the consultation on the new SSDC Local Plan.
I will be supporting the decision on behalf of the three City of Wolverhampton Councillors representing Wednesfield North, following their withdrawal to those original proposals.
I will be emphasising the support of the retention of agriculture, on the land identified and support the amenity value of the public walkways that Criss cross the Green Belt at this location. Comment on the Natural habitat and the richness of the site North of Linthouse Lane in Wild flowers and Wildlife.
I would be very pleased to hear from the residents of Wednesfield North on their views on this type of response. Is it written in a way that you can support?
Please let me have your views as I am keen to enter my response into the Public record, as soon as is possible.
Councillor Phil Bateman on behalf of Councillor Rita Potter and Councillor Mary Bateman.
Mary Bateman Wins Wednesfield North in 2024 City Council Elections!
Great Result Mary!
This is the third election you have fought for Labour in three years here in Wednesfield North. It was a great result winning the seat again for Labour. Winning 65.49% of the vote. Great performance.
Wednesfield North – Declared
Candidate Votes
Labour Party
WILLIAMS Nathaniel Robert
Local Conservatives
Majority 677 votes.
Elected = BATEMAN Mary – Labour Party
Turnout = 26.35%
Re- Imaganing The City of Wolverhampton,vid:_RuzafHCn30,st:0
City of Wolverhampton Labour Party – “Delivering Healthier Lives for Local People”.
Labour election pledges are being delivered to homes across Wednesfield North and the City. Today we highlight the Healthier Lives for Local People part of the manifesto Labour is fighting on in this City.
City of Wolverhampton Labour Party commits itself to delivering Healthier Lives for Local People. We have already delivered NHS Health Checks for residents aged 40 -74 with a £500,000 investment.
We had 28,000 of our residents moving more & eating better with the “Better Health Rewards” pilot we delivered last year. Recipients were provided free fitness trackers & incentives. It proved to be a real success. We also doubled the WV Active membership and invested £1m to provide ‘State of the Art’ gyms at our Leisure centres.
Labour has also provided Free Access to WV Active Centres for young people with a £2m investment as part of our successful Yo! Wolves programme.
Now looking forward to 2024/2025 we are working in partnership with the NHS, and it is Labour’s intention to bring in New innovative digital health checks at your local doctors. We also have a plan to support residents to lose weight, quit smoking, and exercise more.
Through our Public Health team and partnership with the NHS we are planning to give all residents access to potentially lifesaving breast, cervical, and bowel cancer screening. Plus our plans moving forward is to deliver and invest £2.3m into a programme to get people off drugs & alcohol, and supporting them into education training and jobs. Drugs and alcoholism are huge issues for the region and the UK. We hope that this program will go along way to help families caught in the despair of these activities.
Its a fulsome ‘Healthier Lives’ programme for the next year, but we are confident that if we are elected back into control, we can actively work, and deliver our plan for ‘Healthier lives for local people’ which is an exciting programme, and very much part of the overall plan to create a “Thriving City”.
It’s Official – The Essington Green Belt Remains!
The South Staffs District Council has now confirmed that they have removed the large green belt construction sites on the edge of Wednesfield and along the boundary line of the City of Wolverhampton. South Staffs District Council have published their updated version of their Local Plan, which will itself go out for consultation.
Clearly all those Wednesfield residents that have campaigned alongside Mary, Rita and I, will be delighted at this official news. Your Wednesfield North Labour Councillors were the first to raise the fears and quick to make our protest known, as we broke the information through our Social Media sites back in 2018. We have been vocal about this matter in the City of Wolverhampton Council, and we protested at the SSDC proposals at protest meetings, in Essington alongside Essington residents who had the same outlook.
The residents in Wednesfield North and the residents in Woodend Road, Linthouse Lane and Kitchen Lane are the real winners.
Councillors Mary Bateman, Rita Potter and Phil Bateman, would like to say its a good result now. We will all see that wonderful ‘Big Sky’ in all its glory for many more years to come. We will be able to watch Farmers at work with their Agriculture. Glimpse the wonderful wildlife that we all get a thrill in watching. Thank you everyone who has worked hard to get the result which has come in…. Thanks’ to everyone who campaigned to save OUR Green Belt. It was a successful campaign and we have proven the doomsayers wrong.
Kill Speed on Linthouse Lane!
There has been much concern about the speed motorists travel along Linthouse Lane in Wednesfield. This has been a longstanding problem, since the Automatic Speed Cameras were turned off, several years ago.
Local residents have been voicing their concerns as accident after accident continues to occur. Your Wednesfield North Councillors have been in contact with the Local Authority constantly. Requesting a Road Safety scheme that will make Linthouse Lane safer, and supporting residents calls for action. We have been succesful in arguing our case.
Here is the latest response that has been made by the Highway Authority, following further contact by Councillors, and the finance approved through the City Councils Budget process.
“Linthouse Lane was identified as a route of concern during the most recent annual road safety review and subsequently has been approved for the allocation of funding through the Road Safety Capital Programme for 2024/25.
We are not able to provide detail related to the design at this time as the project is at feasibility stage where multiple options will be assessed for effectiveness to reduce injury collisions including economic assessments to prove cost efficiency.
Prior to the completion of detailed design, Consultation will be undertaken with Councillors and members of the public to explain the project, Request feedback to gauge public opinion and where suitable, develop the design further based on information received.”
With regards to the placing of static speed cameras. This is a further comment that details the response to the requests we have made.
“I note that there has been a request for Average Speed Enforcement (ASE) to be implemented on Linthouse Lane. It is the responsibility of West Midlands Police (WMP) to enforce vehicle speed limits on the network however, we have worked in partnership with WMP to establish a criteria for the implementation of ASE. I can inform you that Linthouse Lane does not meet with the criteria for the implementation of ASE however mobile speed enforcement is undertaken at Linthouse Lane opposite Springhill Road.”
Councillors will be contacting the Highway Authority again as we are keen to progress this scheme as soon as possible.
£500m Investment Plan – Building a Thriving City!
Elections are important, and we are looking forward to the 2nd of May here in Wolverhampton.
We have been busy as a Labour led Council, in building for the future. As part of that planning for the future investments of £500m for new apartments, retail and leisure spaces at the designated City Centre West and St Georges part of the City, will be moving forward.
Planning is key to any delivery. and City Centre West has featured heavily in the Wolverhampton Investment Prospectus. It is the largest single regeneration opportunity in the city centre.
The transformation of the west side of the city into a new City Centre West Quarter is set to deliver around 1,000 new homes, along with leisure, retail, and high-quality public spaces.
Its all part of our plan to ‘Build a Thriving City’ which we can all be proud of!
Wednesfield North Ward is no longer dominated by City Council’s Social Housing sector.
Take a look how Wednesfield North Ward profile is changing
The Wednesfield North Housing Profile is –
Private home ownership is 65%
The private rented sector is 11.4%
Socially rented sector is now 22.8%
Ward Profile –
These are the sectors that employ the most people living in Wednesfield North –
Top sector is Education 300
Health 175
Construction 100
Retail 100
Accommodations & Food services 75
Transport & Storage 45
Arts & entertainment 20
Property 20
Business admin & Support 15
Motor trades 15
Information & Communications 10
Manufacturing 10
There are 200 people who live and find work in the Ward.
Most recent numbers that are unemployed -320
Diabetes Prevalence aged 17 and over 8.6% in the Ward Wolverhampton average is 9.2%
Year 6 School children Obese 2017/2018
Ward 26.4% Wolverhampton 28.1% England Average 20.4%
Dementia Prevalence
Wednesfield North Ward 3.3%
Wolverhampton Average 4.6%
Unemployment Claimant Count for February 2024 – 5.1%
the fourth lowest of 20 Wards in City of Wolverhampton.
Wolverhampton unemployment Claimant Count is 7.3%
See insights and ads
All reactions:
3Rob Williams and 2 others