Wolverhampton is a great city. It has over a thousand years of history and of course it has survived and prospered over those years. Of course it has had its ups and downs over this huge period. It has survived civil war, two World Wars, countless local catastrophes, changed from a town to a city, and we are still here and growing, plus making headlines! It is also true to say that its inhabitants (Wulfrunians) are perhaps rightly the City’s severest critics!
But over the last few years, faced with enormous cuts in its budget, which has led to cuts in service and delivery. The City administration has knuckled down, and done what it has had to do to survive. Yes we have and continue to howl our protest at the way this Tory Government has unfairly dealt with us.
But also internally instead of giving up the ghost. Our staff have been ‘getting on with it’ working very hard to deliver the local manifesto of the controlling group, dealing with our priorities, and delivering our policy.
Now I have been informed that Councillors should look out for a feature in the nationally respected Municipal Journal, it will be about how we as a City have run our administration, and it will look closely as how we continue to deliver service.
I have written previously as how we have recently been picking up important awards for the services the City Council operates, either with partners, or on their own. As I understand it the City of Wolverhampton Council is a finalist now in seven categories of the MJ’s own national Local Government Awards, hence their interest in our City Council.
I certainly think that this is a real achievement for Wolverhampton, its employees, Councillors and partners.
Being short listed for such a huge number of services is not an everyday occurrence.
Results will known on 15 June – I understand that the Managing Director of the City Council will have ” his fingers crossed ” right up until then. I for my part hope that we do well in the competition, and we pull off a clean sweep!