Barnard Road – Residents Concern Over Traffic

In June I was approached by residents concerned about road safety following an accident that took place in Barnard Road. I wrote to Wolverhampton City Councils Road Safety team and highlighted the concerns I had received.

Here is the response I have received

Dear Councillor Bateman I have looked at our database for records of Personal Injury Accidents (PIA) and found that there have been no PIA’s recorded in the last five years along the main stretch of Barnard Road or at either of the junctions with Griffiths Drive.  I have recently had an update stating that accident records are up to date up to April 2017 so I can only assume that the accident that occurred recently has not have been input onto the database by West Midlands Police at this stage. We do not currently hold speed data for Barnard Road as it has not been raised as an issue previously and given the amount of on-street parking taking place it is unlikely that average vehicle speeds would be high. It would appear that some inconsiderate parking is taking place near to road junctions which is against guidance in the Highway Code. I will therefore add Barnard Road to our list of sites to introduce a Traffic Regulation Order in the form of double yellow lines at its junctions with Griffiths Drive.  Please be aware that due to the on-going budgetary and resourcing constraints we do have a backlog of TRO’s to progress so it may be some months before we can draw up plans and advertise the restrictions.  Obviously as the restrictions are subject to public consultation their implementation will be dependent on whether objections are received during consultation.

I will of course continue to keep you updated with regards to this issue, and I will ensure that the information is placed on my social media sites, so residents can read the latest.

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more
