My readers may be shocked at what they are about to read. Trinity Mirror (the owners) are aiming to close the Black Country Bugle which has a small staff and a very local office in Dudley. Then print and publish the Bugle from Tamworth!
This is what the newspaper for Journalists (HoldtheFrontPage) writes in today’s edition.
“saddened to read the news that Trinity Mirror was cutting three out of five staff, including the editor, on the Dudley-based Black Country Bugle, and moving production 30-odd miles away to Tamworth.”
This is a tragedy for the Black Country Bugle and for its Black Country readership.
‘The Bugle’ is a great read, and it has chronicled all that was good in the Black Country, not only in a historical context but in a social context as well.
Printed and run from Tamworth! is hardly the Black Country. Having local people just come in and ‘drop story’s’ off isn’t going to happen in Tamworth is it? Just a month or so down the line the full closure of the paper must be on the cards. This is a cause that all four Black Country Councils should be fighting hard against. Trinity Mirror must quickly understand that this is a valued Newspaper. It is loved for its nostalgic look on the past and its weathered eye on the future. Readers across the Black Country will be aghast at Trinity Mirror’s business decision.
I wish the current editor well in his plans to oppose Trinity Mirrors ridiculous suggestions. I hope that the Black Country Councils will raise their voice in opposition to this move. If you do not want the title Trinity Mirror – sell the Newspaper! Don’t kill it by indifference as this current decision of yours most certainly will.