Recently a constituent contacted me about the poor street Lighting in Drummond Close Ashmore Park. I have taken the matter up with the relevant department. Here is the latest response I have received, it contains some good news, and some bad news….
City Officials agree that – “Drummond Close is in need of improvements to the street lighting, as do many other such streets in the City. Unfortunately, as I am sure you will appreciate our ability to address these problems is largely due to the availability of finance and there is much more work to do than there are funds available.
My team have prepared the list of streets to be improved in the street lighting improvement programme for 2017/2018 and this road and some of the adjacent roads are on the list.
I cannot at this stage say when the street lighting in this area will be improved as this year’s budget has been much reduced from previous years and it will have to compete with other sites for priority rating and not all will have funds allocated in 2017/2018.”
I will be in touch with the Local Authority and will be pressing the case going forward, I will keep readers up dated as information is delivered to me.