Celebrating Great People in Wednesfield North Ward!
Announcing Wednesfield North Community Excellence Award are going to run again! This will be the third time we have arranged this fabulous award to take place.
When we look back at what we do here in this part of the City of Wolverhampton.
The overriding memory we have is of the great people we meet every day here in Wednesfield.
Following a meeting Mary, Rita and I had way back in 2018, we got to talking as your City Councillors, about how we could improve life for people living in our Ward of Wednesfield North. Plus, put a spotlight on all the good work by individuals and organisations that takes place in our small but important part of the City of Wolverhampton.
All three of us Councillors live in this Ward of Wednesfield North. We chatted about all the great people we knew, and the great work many unsung heroes undertake, whilst going about their daily business.
It was then that we came up with our plan, for the Wednesfield North Community Excellence Awards. Awards that we felt would highlight what we knew about what takes place here. What we knew about the selfless ways of others. Giving a value to those who give their time for others. Or improve the life of the Ward, or the people living here.
We decided there and then that we should do something that spotlighted all that is great here in our Wednesfield Ward. Mary, Rita and I decided that we would champion people who lived in Wednesfield North, where much good took place every day of the year. The unsung heroes, the people that kept families together under adversity. Those fantastic people who gave their own time to undertake community and environmental projects. Or those that undertook to lift Cultural activities like the Arts, Dance and entertainment, those that dedicate their time to improving the environment, Not forgetting sport and
We decided that we would create The Wednesfield North Community Excellence Awards and honour those in our community, that makes Wednesfield North the community it is.
In November 2019 Councillors Mary Bateman, Councillor Rita Potter, with Councillor Phil Bateman, organised and opened our first Wednesfield North Community Excellence Awards event. It was a great success and we awarded Certificates to those nominated.
That first event was so good. We vowed we would repeat it in 2020. But cruelly the Covid-19 Pandemic led to the event being cancelled.
In 2021 the second event took place.
Today we are announcing that in November 2023 we will be again holding the third Wednesfield North Community Excellence Awards. We intend to ensure that this becomes a bi-annual event for Wednesfield North.
At this third Community Excellence Award – We will be looking again for the community here in Wednesfield North to nominate people and organisations who they think, deserve public acknowledgement for their role in making our diverse community cohesive and welcoming.
The Awards will be aimed at a wide range of sectors including Business and Individuals, Sporting Clubs and the Arts, plus Volunteering. We are keen to acknowledge people who are Improving the lives of others, by their actions.
The entries can be aimed at all of whom are active or living in the Ward of Wednesfield North. (Wednesfield North Ward which covers the geographical area of Woodend, Springhill Estate (Linthouse) , Ashmore Park, Coppice Farm, Wyvern Park estate.) Or makes an overall difference to life in the greater Wednesfield area.
The community headings we are looking for nominations for in our Wednesfield North Community Excellence Awards are in the sectors of –
Culture – Art & Dance
Sporting achievement
Community Volunteering
Business in the Community
Improving Lives
This year we will also be again looking to recognise the Best Community Project, and we will again be looking for the Volunteer of the Year.
With regards to the decisions on Awards, these will be made by the Wednesfield North Councillors, and their decisions will be final.
Keep a close eye on the Local Media, and social media, as the 2023 Wednesfield North Community Excellence Awards get underway. Entry Forms plus compliance dates will be circulated on Social Media – Key Dates will be announced soon.
Wednesfield North City of Wolverhampton Councillors’ are –
Councillor Mary Bateman
Councillor Rita Potter
Councillor Phil Bateman
Contact for Wednesfield North Community Excellence Awards are through
Councillor Phil Bateman –