2015-Taking the Year In Review…Housing in Wednesfield North.
Housing issues are still the biggest challenge to Councillors here in Wednesfield North, there are so many individuals wanting to be homed in our Ward, yet there is not the vacant public housing on offer to allow the levels of those peoples wanting a home here to be easily fulfilled.
What has been achieved over the last 12 months though in housing term is very useful.

Councillor Rita Potter, Phil Bateman and Mary Bateman – Wednesfield North Councillors for Wolverhampton City Council.
Here in the Ward redundant land and garage sites, many which caused anti-social behaviour as they stood empty and vacant have been publicly sold, and new homes, private homes built and sold and have peple living in them now.
In the last two years this method of home building has seen 34 new homes built in Wednesfield North. These new build homes during their building phase created construction jobs, now those homes are paying Council-tax, and 34 families are now contributing to our Local Economy. All of them are taking a role in our community. This is a success story in itself. New Homes and new families renew our community.
All three Labour Councillors hold Advice Surgeries in the Ward.
We are all working hard trying very hard to help families into the homes they want. We are also doing all we can to continue to identify similar redundant or underused land and bring it back into use.
In recent weeks I have shown the Chief Executive of Wolverhampton Homes around our Ward.doing just that looking at old garage sites.
Your Councillors have been involved in the public consultation that will see a number of new private homes built on the former Danesmore School site, where 25% of the homes planned have been earmarked as ‘affordable homes’.
This site will be packaged for Planning application in the New Year (2016). All three of your Councilors have had some success in assisting individuals and families into homes this year. We would have liked it to be more than we actually achieved. But circumstances being what they are, I am never the less pleased to have assisted some to a better dwelling.
My hope is that as Christmas 2015 approaches. Those of our community which we have helped into a home of their own this year – have a great first Christmas in them!