Empty and Void Dwellings in Wednesfield North.

During the course of the Local City Council Election 2022. Local Housing need was a major part of the debate with local people.
A vacant private property came up here in the Ward, when a resident complained about its long time being void. So here is the situation. We have at least two dwellings that are being treated by the City Council through the Legal processes here in Wednesfield North, to ensure that these homes are brought back into use.

The two long term empty and void private property’s, are in different neighbourhoods in Wednesfield North. Cabinet Resources Panel approved the acquisition of one of the the property’s “either voluntarily or by Compulsory Purchase on the 17/2/21.”

The other property is well down the legal road to change of ownership.

Resolving probate, unfortunately takes some time, there are legal processes to go through, and indeed some of the issues to be solved are very complicated.

These two dwelling’s are a very live issue locally, to their neighbours, and I hope that it will not be too long before the future of these property’s have been resolved.

I have been in touch with the City Council and will be receiving up dates on their progress. Which I will of course share.

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more
