Policing is important in Wednesfield North, and that is why I wrote to the Police & Crime Commissioner on your behalf in November and December (twice) and followed the matter up with a question in person at a meeting I attended with him just before Christmas. The final correspondence I exchanged with him was on the 21st December.
I have to state that it has produced a rich and positive response. I am pleased to announce that the PCC has informed me that there will be NO compulsory redundancies of PCSO’s and this applies to Wednesfield North. I am sure that those that work in these positions and are part of the Wednesfield North Police team will be grateful to learn of this development.
Police & Crime Commissioner Davidson further explains that “When it comes to Wednesfield North, it means that the PCSO’s – and I believe you have six in total- will be able to continue with their excellent work”
Now this doesn’t mean that there will be no change. I suspect that it will mean the opposite of that, especially as there is now a review taking place of how neighbourhood policing will evolve, and of course the sell off of Police Property will in itself create much change.
But for me I am sure the six PCSO’s in Wednesfield North will recognise that the Community and the three Local Councillor’s value their excellent work on our behalf. That I on behalf of my two other Council colleagues didn’t just sit and wring hands. We pressed the case for local PCSO’s right to the top.
I would like to request our community to give the PCSO’s and the Police Constables that are part of the Police team here, your continued support.
This for me is great news to start 2016, and I hope that through out the year we have the same sort of good news for other areas of policy that we identify in either saving or reforming! So I want to finish by praising the PCC Jamieson, by being approachable, and responsive to our communities concerns and worries. Plus the positive response he makes in this particular case.
Please if you would like to let me have your views – email@philbateman.com