Five SpeedWatch Events Held In Linthouse Lane This Year.

Police and Community Together.

Police and Community Together- Community Speedwatch!

I recently had a letter from a resident in Linthouse Lane, pointing out that there was a lot of speeding vehicles in the Lane. Many were putting their speeds in to the ‘high and dangerous category’ as they approach the Pheasant Island.

I wrote to Wednesfield Police and enclosed my constituents concerns, here is the response I have received….

“We have completed 12 speedwatches over the past 12 months, 5 of which have been on Linthouse Lane, whereby we have caught the minority of drivers speeding, all of which have been formally advised.

Further events will take place on this road during the rest of the year. We are now working with West Midlands Fire Service in order to complete joint partner speedwatch, dates to be confirmed soon.

I am always looking for volunteers to come out with the team and get involved in Community Speedwatch as it enables the community to directly get involved and help reduce speeding in their area.”

So you can see there have been five speedwatch events in Linthouse Lane in 2016, if any resident wants to join the Police and take up their offer of joining with them for a Community Speedwatch event later in the year on Linthouse Lane. Please email me on and I will ensure the Police team gets your information.

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more
