I have made requests for the Authority’s to clear fly tipped rubbish from right across my Ward of Wednesfield North.
Dumps of the stuff have been made in Ridge Lane Garage site, Griffiths Drive, Garage sites in Gorse Road, and the latest in the last 24 hours in Sandy Cres and St Albans Close.
There is no excuse for this. I suspect its some unlicensed users who in operation in Wednesfield.
Someone will know who they are please tell the Police or Environmental services if you have any information at all about these acts.
The City Council is to re-introduce ‘Shop a Tipper to counter the terrible actions taking place. ity of Wolverhampton “Shop a tipper” will be re-launch in the Spring of 2021-
This programme was reported to the Vibrant and Sustainable Scrutiny Panel tonight.
The Council is aiming to relaunch this initiative to encourage residents to provide information regarding fly tipping offenders.
Images of offenders caught on CCTV will be displayed on the Council Website and social media platforms will
be used to increase viewing figures. A spending voucher to the value of £100 for use in local shops will be available to anyone that provides information leading to the successful payment of a Fixed Penalty Notice or prosecution.
Anonymous reports will also be considered.”
Councillor Phil Bateman said ” Fly tipping is the bane of the Country at the moment. This was quite an interesting policy last time it was introduced, lets hope it is even better this time round. Residents together with the Council can deal with these merchants that have no civic pride, or pride of any sorts. “