It Is National ‘No Smoking Day’ 8th March 2017


#NoSmokingDay 8th March 2017

Wednesfield North Councillors - Phil Bateman, Mary Bateman and Rita Potter.

Wednesfield North Councillors – Phil Bateman, Mary Bateman and Rita Potter.

Wednesfield North Councillors Plead – Pack it In!

Councillors Mary Bateman, Phil Bateman and Rita Potter, have a message for Wednesfield and Wolverhampton smokers the message is a simple one- “Pack it In!”

All three Wednesfield North Councillors are working with Wolverhampton City Councils- Healthy Life Style team, focussing on building support in Wednesfield to sign-post residents who want to give up smoking.


Based at The Hub at Ashmore Park all this week, the Wolverhampton’s own Healthy Lifestyles team has been informing residents of the help they can get in ‘kicking the smoking habit.”

Councillor Phil Bateman said “Today March the 8th is National No Smoking Day and the Life Styles team will be offering advice at different venues across the City, including The Hub at Ashmore Park, for Wolverhampton and Wednesfield citizens who wish to give up the smoking habit.

The sad fact is that in 2015 – Statistics published by the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) showed that 18.2 per cent of expectant mums in Wolverhampton were smokers in the 12 months prior to March 2015.

This is a very high figure – The 161 pregnant smokers out of a total of 887 expectant mothers in the city were recorded, showed that Wolverhampton is almost double the average of one in ten across Birmingham and the Black country.

Councillor Rita Potter, Councillor Mary Bateman and myself have been campaigning locally in Wednesfield North all this week, to urge our constituents to do more to tackle their smoking and our message is a very clear one ‘Pack it In’.

There are ways to break the habit, and the Healthy Lifestyles team are offering help and advice….

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more
