Join Wednesfield’s Big Blooming Effort!

Do you live or trade in Wednesfield! Are you proud of our Village?

Wednesfield-In-Bloom-WV11The Wednesfield In Bloom team are looking for the Wednesfield High Street traders to again make a contribution and improve on the displays that led to Wednesfield receiving a Silver Award last year. 2016 was the very first time that the Wednesfield Village team had entered this prestigious competition.

“But this year (2017) we are also going to be looking at the contribution that individual’s make by keeping their gardens tidy, and dare I suggest consider making a special effort for that first week in July when the competition takes place.”

It will be open to resident’s, private owners and rented sector, to enter their front gardens into the Wednesfield in Bloom effort to impress the Heart of England Judges

Front gardens 17308966_10211434245825360_8580412314101970191_nCouncillor Phil Bateman said ” We are looking for householders to make the same sort of contribution to their front gardens as they always do. But can I appeal to you to offer to enter your garden so that we can tell the Inspectors that we have the full community support for Wednesfield in Blooms venture. All you have to do is join with me and tell me that you want to enter your garden also.

The plan is to provide a certificate for all those that want to volunteer their garden in our quest for Gold!
My email address is or tell me via my Facebook  or Twitter accounts via Direct Mail.
Please help us make Wednesfield a stand out community!

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more
