There has been an on going investigation over last year concerning the redundant car parks in Peach Road, I wrote and posted about this on my social media sites. I informed residents that the Local Authority were investigating the ground conditions, and following the results would be making a decision on the way the land would be treated.
I know that the Local Authority through Wolverhampton Homes also published information back in October 2016.
I have now been informed that the land adjacent to 18-20 Peach Road and the land to the side and rear of 54-72 Peach Road. Has been surveyed
Based on the results of the surveys carried out, on the land adjacent to 18-20 Peach Road the Local Authority have informed me that they can provide, 2no of 2-Bedroom semi-detached houses and on the land to the side and rear of 54-72 Peach Road, 3no of 2-Bedroom general needs bungalows.
They inform me that a planning application will be made shortly and a public information notice for residents will be produced for general information and some may be contacted by the Planning Officer as part of the formal planning consultation process to obtain your views and comments on the proposed re-development.
In the meantime, if you have any queries regarding the proposals for the site and you want to talk directly to the city officials dealing with the developments.
Please call (01902) 554395 or email- or . These are the officers that will be dealing with the proposed planning application.