Police Issue Warnings!

Distraction burglary and bogus callers

Burglars won’t go to the trouble of breaking in if they can just knock and be invited in. So always be on your guard when anyone you’re not expecting – a man, a woman or even a child – turns up at your door. 

Bogus ‘officials’ may be smartly dressed and claim to be from the council, gas board, health authority or other organisation. 

Bogus ‘dealers’ may offer to buy your antiques, furniture or jewellery, at what seems to be a good price. 

If you want to sell something, choose one or two genuine dealers to value it or ask a friend or relative for their advice. 

Bogus ‘workmen’ may say that they need to come in to check something or make urgent repairs.  You also need to be careful of callers who offer to make building repairs or tarmac your drive. Often they’ll ask for money in advance; they may even offer to drive you to the bank to withdraw money to pay them. 

If you need any building work done, get several written quotes from reputable firms, then decide which one is best. If in doubt, talk it through with a neighbour or someone in your family. 

for further advice please call 101 or visit www.west-midlands.police.uk/saferhomes

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more
