Preventing and Reducing Crime in Wednesfield North & Wolverhampton.

Further to the Safer Wolverhampton Partnership Plan the Police are indicating that they are placing the prevention of violence across Wednesfield and Wolverhampton at the top of the list of crimes, along with burglaries and robberies. car anti theft 01 may 2013


  1. Prevent and Reduce Crime

We will continue to strive to have our lowest ever crime levels with a particular focus on the prevention of violence across Wolverhampton. We will also continue to reduce acquisitive crime that you would expect us to focus on, such as burglaries and robberies. In line with the Wolverhampton City Strategy for 2014-2026 we want to support the prosperity of the City and will reduce business crime and strengthen our relationships with business.

With partners we will tackle the locations and people that contribute the highest crime levels and achieve continued low rates of reoffending .

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more


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