Severn Trent Water Company -Information

Severn Trent Water Company has been a cause for concern for many residents in Wednesfield North, since the start of April.

Local residents have had a lot of problems with water pressure, bursts and highways closures. The core problem to the drinking water supply, was a single burst, that had knock-on problems for the rest of the Severn Trent Water company network locally.

On the 4th of April a second burst happened. I spoke with Severn Trent as the Broad Lane South highway was closed, and residents in Wednesfield North, and elsewhere were suffering low water pressure, and some experienced no water at all. Severn Trent Water Company inform me that they have now fixed the problem and service should have returned to normal. I understand that the Broad Lane South should be opened to traffic today the 12th April, after some highway treatments.

Secondly I received notification again from Severn Trent Water company that on the 6th of April “that a sewage spill in Tonadine Close was caused by the flushing of ‘unsuitable products down the toilet’. Severn Trent told me that “We have now cleared the blockage and have renewed our request for people to help protect their neighbours from potential sewage problems by only flushing the ‘3Ps’ – poo, pee and paper! This is what the overwhelming majority of people already do, but we also need to do more to get the message out to the minority of people who flush other things away, which tends to cause blockages.”

This message about sewerage is an important one. Not just for Tonadine Close, but its a message that needs to be given to everyone. Nappies and Kitchen Wipes block drains causing unsightly and upsetting blockages. Those products do not break up in water, like toilet paper, and that leads to more spills and blockages.

This is the most up to date information I have had from Severn Treant Water company. Hope it provides additional information to residents..

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more
