Short PACT Meeting Led to extended Chat!

I took the chance to speak at length with Sgt Stanley about a number of crime issues that you the electors of Wednesfield North tell me about that concerns you. Yes I know we have low crime stats here in this Ward.

But low crime is NOT no crime.

I raised with him an issue about personal safety in the Ashmore Park.

I also spoke with him about drug information and the police activity around reports received. There are several areas of Wednesfield North that are still giving concern. I was re assured that the police were sifting information and were closely following information.

We also discussed the incidents of wild fowl being shot along the Wyrley & Essington Canal. Finally I informed him of the scrutiny process that will take place following the Travellers visit to K!cid_image001_png@01D0C3F7 Policeitchen lane.

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more


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