Subject: An open message to Michael Fabricant, MP for Lichfield following your outrageous assertions about health workers and teachers.

Councillor Phil Bateman said today “Unusually I am placing an open letter penned by one of my constituents Mr Bruce Kirk ,onto my Blog. Bruce is livid about Lichfield MP Michael Fabricant. Anyway this is what Bruce wrote in Open Letter to Michael Fabricant MP…”

“Dear Mr Fabricant,

First, I wouldn’t want to be your election agent at the next General Election, that is if you are not forced to resign your seat first.

Secondly, the continued insistence of Boris Johnson’s supporters to attempt to trivialise his law-breaking, is deeply insulting, not only to health workers and teachers but also to those who put their lives on the line in service to the community, week in and week out during the COVID crisis, especially in the face of changing restrictions imposed by the Government with very little notice. Our health and education services did us proud and many paid the ultimate sacrifice, with their lives.

Each year, on 11 November, we stand in honour of the fallen in war. We should be standing in honour for the fallen who gave their lives for our people when we needed them during COVID. Many of those who survived paid for it with their own health and well-being. Yet all you can do is insult them.

Michael. many people have described your comments as laughable. In my opinion, your comments are worse than that. They are an outrageous insult to people who gave their time and lives willingly. Those people and the British public as a whole, deserve better than this from you, an elected Member of Parliament who has sworn an Oath of Allegiance to the Crown. I expect that you will reap the whirlwind from those who comprise your electorate, who you have so grossly insulted.

Thirdly, I believe that the great majority of the people in this country are decent, law-abiding people who obeyed the law during COVID. In the case of the relatives of the 177,000+ people who have died with COVID, that obedience led to great misery and grief because they obeyed the law and were not allowed to see their dying relatives.

Let’s put a “conservative” estimate on it. If each person who died had one partner and two children, that amounts to over half a million people who did the honorable, selfless thing and obeyed the law at great cost to their own health and well-being. They felt they had no choice.

For you and other Johnson supporters who trivialise the consequence of him breaking the law as unimportant is an outrage and one that the British people will not forgive.

The game is up, Mr Fabricant, for you and other Johnson supporters. If you do not do the honorable thing and bring the seriousness of the situation to the attention of Mr Johnson, the British People will not forget your betrayal of them. Regrettably, our democracy does not allow public ability to strip the Prime Minister of his powers and duties in circumstances like these. However, such powers are within your gift.

We know how you like to be outrageous and court publicity. You like to be popular. But there are times for all of us when we have to take stock, recognise that we have miscalculated and take a different course.

Mr Fabricant, that time has come for you now. In your own interests and, more particularly, in honour of those people you have defamed and insulted, it’s time for you to act with humility and service, with honesty and decency and show yourself to be an upholder of the law, not an apologist for a law-breaker whose days are numbered.

Mr Fabricant, the time has come for you to put the interests of the country before own, just as health and education workers did.

I look forward to hearing that you have done the honorable thing so that normal, decent, law-abiding service can be resumed and, once again we can look up with pride to those that serve us. Yours sincerely,Bruce M Kirk”.

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more
