Supporting Our Local Community

You know it’s not what you do during the last weeks of a City Council Election Campaign!

It is what you have done in the preceding Years that really count!
Our Team of Labour Councillors have – Actively supported local Voluntary and Community organisations. Funded the Christmas Lights Switch on, Wednesfield Canal Festival, Wednesfield in Bloom, and the#Stuff4Steph Fun day on Ashmore Park Shopping Parade.

We have also part funded three defibrillators in the Ward. We have provided three Memorial Benches, we have provided Dog Pooh Litter bins, on Kitchen Lane and on Linthouse estate. Supported the Food Banks, The Uniform Exchange, We have in partnership with Ashmore Park Community Association provided the funding for a Youth Club based at The Hub for 11 years to 18 years old.

We have also supported School Funds. Plus we have been active in support of many many more charitable and Voluntary causes. We are together very proud of the role we play as your Team of Labour Councillors here in Wednesfield North.

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more
