Tesco Express – Alcohol Application Made

Picture by Shaun Fellows / Shine Pix Labour Party Councillors photography. Pictured is Cllr Phil Bateman

Picture by Shaun Fellows / Shine Pix Labour Party Councillors photography. Pictured is Cllr Phil Bateman

Councillor Phil Bateman said “I  thought that there may be some interest in reading this application that has just come across my desk. Anyone who has an interest can make their views known to the City Council via the Licensing Officer at the address below.”
Re: Tesco Express, Lichfield Road, Wednesfield, WV11 3HD
Wolverhampton City Council has received an application to vary the operating conditions of the above licensed premises, which is situated in the Wednesfield North Ward.
The application is for the sale/supply of alcohol off the premises and is to:
Amend the opening hours and sale/supply of alcohol off the premises and remove Good Friday and Christmas Day trading restrictions.
Existing – Monday to Saturday  0800 to 2300 hours
                   Sunday 1000 to 2230 hours
                   Good Friday 0800 to 2230
                   Christmas Day 1200 to 1500 and 1900 to 2230 hours
Proposed Monday to Sunday 0600 to 0000 hours
A blue notice outlining details of the application should be displayed at the premises for a period of not less than 28 days.  Any representations to the application should be made in writing and received no later than 7/4/2017 to Licensing Services.  A notice will also appear in the local press. 
Any representations received must be relevant under the Licensing Act 2003.  For the purpose of the Licensing Act 2003 a representation must be ‘relevant’ to the application that has been made.  A relevant representation is one which:-
·        is made properly and in the prescribed period for response
·        is about the likely effect of the grant of the licence on the promotion of the four licensing objectives being:-
      1.     Prevention of Crime and Disorder
      2.     Public Safety
      3.     Prevention of Public Nuisance
      4.     Protection of Children from Harm                                     
For further information on the application or if you require any additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Licensing.
Anita Chonk
Licensing Officer
Tel. Office: 01902 556037
City of Wolverhampton Council

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more
