The Big Clean Up has Taken Place- New Bollards Are Ordered.

Here is an update of the situation following the clean up of the Kitchen Lane Open Space One week after the Travellers have moved on. Officers inform me that the work they had to do with the  street cleaning teams, left them  with the huge task of removing the mess. They said “The pictures look bad, but believe me it was 10 times worse and the team spent 3 days clearing it up. Making Wolverhampton ‘Clean, Green, Better’ is hard work!” I echo this fact!

 I believe the amount of refuse cleared from the site included over 1,000 cardboard boxes, carpets, doors, human waste, a large number of bags of domestic refuse and amounts of miscellaneous refuse and litter.

A caravan has also been left on site and has been removed. The clear up has taken three days and is now more or less complete. The removed bollards have been replaced and further bollards have been ordered to replace existing rotten ones.

I want to thank the City Council street cleaning teams that undertook this work. It cannot have been pleasant. Hopefully the community can enjoy the space again.11219321_10206520658548749_9033833711497005409_n Rubbish left

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more


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