My sister has been warning me for a few weeks now about the theft of dogs, and how this was becoming a nationwide problem. Now Wednesfield Police have issued some advice, I think dog owners must see.
Wednesfield Police tell me that “Fortunately I don’t believe we’ve had any incidents locally, However that’s not to say the potential isn’t there. Theft of dogs, seems to have become a real problem across the UK and has been spoken of widely on TV and social media sites, as our fur babies have become a precious commodity, particularly throughout this awful pandemic.
So, with that in mind, can we just ask that everyone stays vigilant and particularly when walking alone with your dog, try and stay in a public place, rather than becoming isolated.
This wasn’t meant as a scaremongering message, just an awareness pointer.”
As the Police say this Post is not meant “as a scaremongering message, just an awareness pointer.”