Three New Sites In Review For New House Building – Wednesfield North


Parker Road/ Anslow Gardens – Vacant Garage Site currently under review by Wolverhampton Homes.

Wolverhampton Homes are looking at vacant land that is in their ownership and is not being used properly. I have recently been asking Wolverhampton Homes about land assets they own in Wednesfield North. They have informed me this morning  that –

Wolverhampton Homes are undertaking a review of garage sites and infill sites right across the City to establish their potential for future council housing. 

We have identified the following sites, which are within your Ward, as showing potential for small site development.

·         Parker Road garage site, Ashmore Park

·         Land adjacent to 18-20 Peach Road, Wednesfield

·         Land to the side and rear of 54 – 72 Peach Road, Wednesfield

 The next stage of the development is to carry out a number of surveys to establish ground conditions, levels details and ecological issues. This work will be carried out over the next few months and I will be in touch again once we have the results back. We will also be informing the neighbouring properties advising of the proposed work and to provide contact details in case of any queries.” 

This is not a new situation for City owned and Wolverhampton owned assets here in Wednesfield North.

  • Already in the last few years we have seen infill development take place on the former Linthouse Public House site.
  • Homes built in Knock Road and Phillips Avenue on former Wolverhampton Homes Car Parks plus bungalows in Hodson Close on City Council owned land.
  • Plus a new housing development is taking place currently in Bayliss Avenue

In total around 33 new properties have already been constructed over the last three years using this method of development,

On the plus side  it brings back into public use land that is dormant and often a cause of social concerns.

I will of course keep residents informed of any information as it arrives through my various social media sites.


Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more
