It’s going to be yet another tough year for Wolverhampton City Council as it faces up to yet more Government cuts in funding, and the need to find even more money to meet its commitments to meet the increasing costs of social and elderly care.
The Governments answer of course is to let the City Council increase its precept for elderly and social health care to 2%, meaning that instead of recirculating national tax funds to Local Government. Local people will have to pay more through the collection of the Local Counciltax.
The reason ? Well it places the Local Authority in the ‘firing line’ not the Government!
There is a real need for this Government to think through how we pay for elderly and social care, everyone is living longer, and that is a good thing. But the Authorities do need to be able to plan and deliver the services that the elderly needs, and of course all families ultimately want. This need requires funding that is fair and equal.
But with no signs that the Government is going to deliver a fair funding plan. It looks like that most authorities including Wolverhampton. Will be forced to raising this extra 2% Government have indicated that they will allow.

“The Governments answer of course is to let the City Council increase its precept for elderly and social health care to 2%, meaning that instead of recirculating national tax funds to Local Government. Local people will have to pay more through the collection of the Local Counciltax.”
Wolverhampton will set its budget on the 2nd of March.
Just for the record – The average age expectancy for a man living in Wednesfield North is 76 years of age- A women’s average age is 83.