If there are residents that are interested in a Wolverhampton Homes garage located opposite the True Briton Public House. Perhaps you could contact me on email@philBateman.com and leave your name and address and contact numbers.
There are a number of garages that are vacant, and they strike me they are in a very good location.
I am trying to get them attended to with investment that will brighten them up a little. But as with everything else these days, it would very much help to have them all used!
So if you are interested in taking a garage don’t delay contact me today and I will put you in touch with the right person at Wolverhampton Homes who will sort the details out with you!
Hi interested in a garage for a classic car regards Colin 07961011051
Hi there I’m interested in a garage for a classic car regards colin 07961011051
Hi there I’m interested in a garage for a classic car call me 07306188379