Readers of this site will know I am trying to keep tabs on the amount of movements that are being made on the WE this year. Currently I have recorded at the end of May some 79 movements! That already has last year’s record of 81 movements well in its sight. Yet we haven’t approached the 6 months period yet!
The publicity surrounding the W&E over the last few years has been tremendous. All of which has stoked the boaters interest.
Just a note for the Narrow Boat community.
On July 1st Wednesfield will be having Britain in Bloom Inspectors visiting our historic Village on that morning. We would love the canal arm at Bentley Bridgeto be full with Narrow Boats and their colours, plants and larger than life characters moored, or passing through. Please be ready to give our visitors a wave!
Do what you can folks on the 1st July!