Wednesfield Magazine- In My View

One of the enjoyments I have had in recent years, has been the one I take up for the Wednesfield Magazine. I have written a page in the Magazine from the launch of the publication.

I love the editorial freedom that the owner gives!

I write about the matters that move me as the publication deadlines roll around. I know I could write about perhaps – more hard bitten issues. But you know the environment, the leisure amenity. The local history and the industrial heritage, that Wednesfield has, are also so very important too.

So enjoy reading ‘In My View’.

Enjoy at the way this waterway and the Local Nature Reserve, is starting to attract the interest of striking birds and protected mammals. Let’s as a community continue to develop and care for this 220 year old canal. Enjoy the amenity it is and lets ensure it is improved year on year. So that more and more Wednesfield residents can enjoy the environment and nature we have here in Wednesfield.

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more
