Wednesfield North Community Excellence Awards 2021-The Results!

We announced earlier this year that your Local Councillors would be running yet another Community Excellence Award for 2021, following the success we had with the one we promoted back in November 2019.
The Awards are aimed at Business and Individuals, Sporting Clubs and the Arts, Volunteering, Improving Lives etc. We called for entries all of whom were active or living in or had a connection with the Ward of Wednesfield North.
We asked you to nominate your own Community Excellence champions, those individuals, and organisations, that you feel have gone the extra mile to provide for neighbours, organisations, clubs. Plus, those organisations and individuals that had thought about how they could deliver their services and their programmes, their sporting achievements with one eye on reducing the carbon footprint, and locally improving our environment.
Well, we run that Award ceremony on Friday Night the 19th November 2021, at the Ashmore Inn. We the organisers thought that the whole evening was a huge success. It was good to be there, and it was good to see more than 22 Awards being made. There are still more to be awarded, as some of the recipients were unable to attend on the 19th November. We will ensure they are receipt of them as the days pass by.
In total 22 Awards were made and the photographs can be found on my Facebook pages.
The Wednesfield North Community Excellence Awards covered the following headings
• The Volunteer of the Year –Spiderman -and his team of Super Heroes – who raised almost £4,000 for Birmingham Children’s Hospital
• Best Community Project – Was the Wednesfield In Bloom project bringing colour and life to many of our Grey areas. Plus being recognised by Heart of England in Bloom.
• However, we also awarded The Uniform Exchange as a great Community Project
Please keep an eye open for the announcements as we enter 2022 for that years Wednesfield North Community Excellence Awards by looking on my Face Book and Twitter sites as well as for the details.

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more
