Wednesfield North Community Excellence Awards 2021

Nominations have been received and are currently being processed for 35 individuals and organisations that have been nominated for the Wednesfield North Certificates of Excellence Awards. Which takes place on the 19th November2021 at the Ashmore Inn.

There is still time to make your nominations as the last date is scheduled for Wednesday the 10th of November for closure.

This is the full detail for information on the Awards.

Wednesfield North Community Excellence Awards 2021
We announced recently that we will be running yet another Community Excellence Award for 2021, following the success we had with the one we promoted back in November 2019. The Awards are aimed at Business and Individuals, Sporting Clubs and the Arts, Volunteering, Improving Lives etc. Entries can be all of whom are active or living in the Ward of Wednesfield North.
We will be asking you to nominate your own Community Excellence champions, those individuals, and organisations, that you feel have gone the extra mile to provide for neighbours, organisations, clubs. Plus, those organisations that have thought about how they can deliver their services and their programmes, their sporting achievements with one eye on reducing the carbon footprint, and improving our environment.

The Wednesfield North Community Excellence Awards will cover the following headings
• Art & Dance
• Sporting Achievement
• Environment
• Community
• Volunteering
• Business in the Community
• Improving Lives
• Best Community Project
• Volunteer of the Year

I am looking to you – the community now, and I am open receiving the individuals, social media entries. Contact me by email on
I will continue to keep you informed of what happens here in Wednesfield North, if you continue to follow me on Social Media and my own web site of for the details. i

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more
