As we approach the close of the Municipal Year 2021-2022 and get ready for 2022-2023.
We have had a wide range of cases that we have been investigating for constituents.
They range from Licensing, Fly Tipping, Highways, Pest control, Dog Fouling, Fencing, Graffiti, Hedge Maintenance, Bins, Leisure issues, Litter, PublicTransport, Manhole covers, Anti Social Behaviour, Police, Parked Vehicles, Planning, Parking, Flooding. Traffic Regulations, Street Lighting, Adult Social Care, Children services. Pathways, Licensing, Revenues, School Parking, Abandoned vehicles, Dead Animals,CCTV, homes,Park Security, Public Health and much more!
We are not in an election period now. But, I can inform you that your three City Councillors have been dutiful and diligent in looking after the Ward.
We appreciate that we will not always win every case. But we do take up hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of cases each year.
We work very much as a team, that means we collaborate where we can on problems and solutions. We share information, and we often empower each other to investigate problem issues, then come together to press the City on the outcomes of our working together.
(Photograph shows a Planning Issue that was a major concern for residents. It was reported to City Councillors, and working practice was examined, and a close watch on its development continues)