Those of you that follow my ‘Blog’ on this web site and across my social media pages on Facebook and Twitter will know of my concerns regarding this Conservative Governments plan to axe the current grant given to Local Pharmacies. Please ring your Member of Parliament and ask them to oppose the cuts in Parliament – Today! Wolverhampton North East Emma Reynolds MP = tel 01902 397698
I have a deep fear that this grant reduction will hit Independent Local Community Pharmacies hard. Leading to many going out of business. I have done as much as I can- and your three Labour Councillor’s here in Wednesfield North – Rita, Mary and I. We all do not want to lose any of our Local Pharmacies here in our Ward!
With that in mind I have been campaigning for local people to support their Local Community Pharmacies. I have laid a resolution before Wolverhampton City Council for debate next week. Here is that resolution –
1. Local Impact Of National Cuts To Community Pharmacies
Councillor Phil Bateman will move the following motion:
“This Council notes with concern the government announcement on 14th October 2016 that it is reducing funding for community pharmacies by £113m in the four months from December 2016 – March 2017.
This equates to an average loss of £8,000 for each pharmacy in Wolverhampton, representing a 12% cut. In addition the timing of this announcement means it is required to be delivered in a very short time scale, leaving local pharmacies very little time to plan or implement.
A further cut of £208m, on average £14,500 per pharmacy in Wolverhampton, will be imposed next year. These cuts will have a direct negative impact on the Council’s strategic priorities related to Public Health as well as the possible closure of local pharmacies across the city, leading to a reduction in accessible healthcare for vulnerable communities, and increased pressure on other parts of the health and social care systems.
We therefore call on the Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board to write to our local MPs raising these concerns and asking them to lobby government to highlight the local impact of this national policy.”