Wednesfield Volunteers – Have Yet Another Success!
It’s only been a few days since Wednesfield in Bloom Volunteers informed us that they have been successful in winning for a sixth year on the trot, a Gold Award for the Urban category, for Wednesfield in Bloom in the Heart of England in Blooms Awards!
Now the Volunteers of ‘Hands on Wednesfield’ who are behind the Wednesfield Canal Festival has been informed that the canal festival has once again beaten its previous highest attendance which was in 2022.
This is a fantastic result. It has been confirmed to me that our Wednesfield Canal Festival has had yet another record year for the Canal Festival! Here are the statistics
Saturday attendance: 5,456
Sunday attendance: 5,236
Total visitors: 10,692
We also know that the August footfall at the Bentley Bridge Leisure Park was up 16.18% –
Week 32 (Canal festival week) +22.66% vs the previous year a 11,713 increase in foot traffic on the commercial site.
I believe that everyone involved in this result will be simply pleased and excited as to what our work has resulted in. Its brilliant to be informed of what is nothing short of an amazing set of results.
Back in 2022 – City Council Members had been discussing funding arrangements for regeneration projects in Wolverhampton. I informed the Economy and Growth Scrutiny Panel of the City of Wolverhampton Council – 28 September, ‘that there had been no mention of community and volunteering on the slide detailing the regeneration plan for the city over the next twelve months. I mentioned both Wednesfield in Bloom and the Wednesfield Canal Festival as examples of how volunteers can, and do help both the reputation of our city, and in growing the local economic opportunities. I was signifying that in the tourism sector for instance visitors played a big role, and for City of Wolverhampton in enhancing the vitality of local communities, they like the “in Bloom” team who do so much to bring vibrant colours and initiatives to this district.
Now we have the statistics for 2023 that back up my claims of that September meeting.
Volunteering in Wednesfield in particular is strong and active. We can always do more than we do of course. Volunteers are a tremendous asset to any settlement, village, town or city. If residents want to help Local Communities, they should look to join and offer their services to local clubs who are often looking for help.
Here in Wednesfield I am proud of all the volunteers that run sporting clubs, expand and develop culture through Dance, and especially the volunteers who run Art and Crafts clubs.
As Wednesfield in Bloom and the Wednesfield Canal Festival with Hands on Wednesfield. Developing other opportunities will I am sure see an expanding role for Volunteers, and of course the enhancement they make to our historic city.