There is strong concern across the Pharmacy industry about this Conservative Government policy and their objectives when it comes to Local Pharmacies.
Following great support by Wolverhampton Labour Councillors. We have now written to our three Local Members of Parliament, informing them that the Council motion re the local impact of national cuts to community pharmacies – was passed at full council on 9th November.
There was a named vote, and the Conservative Group all voted against the motion and Cllr Gwinnett (UKIP) voted with Labour in support of the motion.
Wolverhampton Labour Councillors still remain very concerned about the impact of closure of Local Pharmacies, and what they would have on our own local Wolverhampton health policy.
Closure of these Pharmacy outlets would likely impact heavily on shopping precincts footfall as well, bringing even further local shopping uncertainties to other shops who rely on the Pharmacies to attract footfall in the first instance.
This was the Resolution in Full that was passed by Wolverhampton City Council.
Local impact of national cuts to community pharmacies “This Council notes with concern the government announcement on 14th October 2016 that it is reducing funding for community pharmacies by £113m in the four months from December 2016 – March 2017. This equates to an average loss of £8,000 for each pharmacy in Wolverhampton, representing a 12% cut. In addition the timing of this announcement means it is required to be delivered in a very short time scale, leaving local pharmacies very little time to plan or implement. A further cut of £208m, on average £14,500 per pharmacy in Wolverhampton, will be imposed next year. These cuts will have a direct negative impact on the Council’s strategic priorities related to Public Health as well as the possible closure of local pharmacies across the city, leading to a reduction in accessible healthcare for vulnerable communities, and increased pressure on other parts of the health and social care systems. We therefore call on the Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board to write to our local MPs raising these concerns and asking them to lobby government to highlight the local impact of this national policy.”
In addition latest information suggests these cuts to local pharmacy services could begin as early as 1st December, the worst possible time in terms of loading winter pressures onto GPs and hospitals. I am sure the people of Wednesfield North and Wolverhampton will recognise the way that the Conservative Councillors voted…and remember!