18,129 Properties Compensated By Severn Trent Water Company in Wednesfield!

18,129 Properties Now Compensated By Severn Trent Water Company in Wednesfield!

This is the size of the number of Compensation Payments Severn Trent Water Company has made in Wednesfield to date and with 2,314 more to follow in January 2021.

Councillor Phil Bateman said today” During the course of the Summer of 2020 many of us here in Wednesfield North and in the City of Wolverhampton faced some real difficulty drawing water from the Severn Trent Water Company supplies. As you will all recall, the water supply was hit by very hot weather and a failure of some equipment, and in some cases homes and families were without water for long hours, during what was a very worrying public health pandemic.

I contacted Severn Trent Water company on behalf of Wednesfield North residents continuously at the time, and I publicised my request for the Company to compensate those that were suffering so badly at the time.
I want to report that I have been treated very fairly by the Severn Trent Water Company, as I have tried to continually press the case for residents living here in Wednesfield.

I am now pleased to further report, that Severn Trent Water Company have now informed me that following those requests I made to them, to explain exactly how many compensation payments they have made to date, here in Wednesfield.

They have followed up with this chart. I must say that I am impressed by the numbers of you that have now been compensated. The 1,926 payments that have not been paid to date in WV11 will be paid in January 2021, as will the 388 residents living in WV12.

Yes, I am impressed now, even if at the time I was very critical of their actions. I believe that Severn Trent Water Company have now acted in a very fair manner.”

Here is the chart that Severn Trent Water Company has provided. I want to thank them again for supplying the information for me.

Number of Properties
Post Code Requested Paid Not Paid
WV11 14,858 12,932 1,926
WV12 5,585 5,197 388

Councillor Phil Bateman MBE represents Wednesfield North on the City of Wolverhampton Council.

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more
