I want to give early information to tenants living in Council housing in Wednesfield North, that you will during November receive a notice from Wolverhampton Homes and the Tenant Management Organisations, that they are to undertake a review of the age designations that are currently applied to 80 blocks of flats across the city. These age designations limit the age at which people can apply to live in these particular blocks, with more than half of them currently being set at 30 years plus.
To ensure that any age designations on flats are aligned to a clear policy, which takes into account the Equalities Act 2010, making best use of council housing stock as well as meeting the housing needs of older residents, a review has been undertaken which will make a number of recommendations to Cabinet:
- To move age designations from all blocks of flats within the City
- To approve an age designation policy to ensure a consistent approach is applied to all future age designations, ensuring they are in line with the Equalities Act 2010
- To apply age designations of 50 years plus to a small number of blocks in line with the policy, so that there is an appropriate supply of housing reserved for those older people that choose to live with people of a similar age, in blocks of flats that have areas for social interaction providing opportunity to reduce loneliness and social isolation, whilst recognising that a number of residents will be vulnerable and/or receiving some form of support to help them retain their independence in their own home.
- For priority within the Allocations Policy to be given to those tenants that would like to move to a block of flats that has a 50 plus age designation as and when they become available.
This information will be direct to the blocks of flats that have been earmarked for this approach. It has been identified that there are a number of blocks here in Wednesfield North which will be affected.
I will keep you informed of any developments that relates to Wednesfield North.