I know residents will be pleased to receive this following up – date on the alley that links the Lichfield Road with Wyvern Park Estate in Wednesfield North. It is a very well used link as it gives the estate access to the bus service, local schools, and the main highway.
I can report that the City Council Officials have inspected the alley way and have agreed that the following actions need to be taken.
- Weeds – some present – The City will arrange to weed control when the weather conditions improve;
- Litter – grade “B” – mostly cigarette boxes/paper/leaves not heavily littered at all; will arrange removal;
- Dog foul – three lots found – will arrange removal;
- Surface – some moss present & tarmac damage in several areas – mostly top course wearing away/breaking up leaving up to a 15 mm lip in places – passed to highways for inspection and repair.
- With regards to dog fouling this really is an appeal to dog owners…please ‘pick it up’ if your pet fouls the path or other green public places.