I know that this city gets a hard time – usually from its own inhabitants.
The news has not been good for the city over the last few years, with Government axing the grant, and losing 2,000 jobs from the city’s own workforce.
The lack of perceived Regeneration of the City centre is where most of the criticism is levelled.
So let me see if I can dispel some of the criticism with these facts – Investment is still being introduced into the City Centre and in the last 12 months these businesses have committed themselves to our city, with new finance to boost their activities, of close to £150m.
- New Sainsbury’s – £60m
- University Science Block – £20m
- Carillion House HQ – £3m
- Public Realm works phase 1 -£1.6m
- Enabling works at WYZ – £0.15m
- Acquisition +demolition – £5m
- Office Provision Block – £0.6m
- Carvers site redevelopment – £6m
Total of new investment into City Centre £96.4m
Then there is the new investment in our city, that is taking place now. Where the big cranes start dominating sky lines…
- Wolverhampton Interchange I-10 – £8.1m
- University Business School – £15m
- Sunbeam Building -£10m
- Marstons HQ -£9.5m
- Wolverhampton Youth Zone – £5.5m
- Public Realm Phase2 – £1.6m
- Enabling Works Tower & Fort Works -£0.25m
- Enabling Works Southside Demolition -£0.3m
Total of new investment currently underway in Wolverhampton today – £50.3m
This is good news for the city and its inhabitants and this new money into Wolverhampton will lead to even more jobs, prosperity and more activity on our own economic front. I do believe that the City Centre is going through a period of change, as indeed is the shopping experience changing.