Recently there has been a burglary in Ashmore Park that has had a lot of attention on Social Media.
Burglary is a rotten crime, and we need to do as much as we can to tackle this crime and others,We need together do what we can to ensure that we all keep an eye open for neighbours property. It would be really great if we could improve and create more Neighbourhood Watch teams.
I was impressed to day when I was doing some investigations of my own in Perks Road to be challenged by ‘Reg’ who wanted to know what I was doing!
We need more people like Reg – Willing to challenge suspicious looking people.
Now the 2016 statistics only run from January to May 2016 they get updated every month in arrears.
I looked at the Burglary stats for Wednesfield North, and the current statistics inform me that there have been 19 burglaries in Wednesfield North in the first 5 months of the year 2016.
I compared that statistic with the 2015 and 2014 statistics.
- First 5 months Jan to May 2016- 19 Burglaries
- First 5 months Jan – May 2015 – 19 Burglaries
- First 5 months Jan – May 2014 – 34 Burglaries.
Instantly we can see that 2015 & 2016 stats for the same periods of the year, show the same level of Burglaries, but that was a massive improvement on the 2014 statistics which indicate burglary was running at a 44% higher margin!
Now these statistics are only here to give you an idea of what is taking place in our Ward as far as burglary is concerned. I strongly feel that 19 burglaries are much too high for our community to suffer. But the police by their selves will not make the difference we want. Our community together can help, through Neighbourhood Watch schemes, reporting suspicious activity etc.
If you would like to hear what the currents crime trends in Wednesfield North are (which includes these following areas – Ashmore Park; Springhill; Woodend; Coppice farm; Oaklands; Wyvern Park) then I would urge you to come along to the Local Police & Community Together meeting. So my invitation is –
Why not come along to the Wednesfield North PACT Meeting, and listen to the Police team responsible for crime issues in Wednesfield North.
The meeting will take place on Wednesday 17th August 7.00pm at The Hub on Ashmore Park Wednesfield. You can then ask questions directly to the Police team. Your Councillors will also be present at the meeting.