I thought Wednesfield North residents would be interested in the following areas of work I have undertaken recently
- Today I took part in CRT Canal Partnership meeting in Stourbridge. Starting at 7.30am we discussed the development of the CRT system in the region and I briefed them on the forthcoming consultation on our Local Nature Reserve bid to Natural England.
- Also being reported on was the City of Wolverhampton Canal Quarter strategy
- I have also received a visit from Simon Archer the owner of Wednesfield Magazine. The new June/July edition is now out, and in my page “In My View” is that very same briefing I gave to CRT this morning!
- I have contacted the City Council about the grass cutting in Wednesfield North it is very much one of the topics that have been discussed, and raised with me on more than one occasion over the past week. Here is the response that I have had from Public Realm who are responsible for grass verges in Wednesfield North
“Dear Councillor Bateman, Grass cutting is weather dependant in terms of starting and finishing points. Grass cutting in the city is undertaken on a monthly cycle of cut this has been agreed as part of the councils savings initiatives and residents will notice longer grass between cuts. Commencement of the grass cutting in the city started in March, weather permitted and we anticipate the last cut will be November possibly December weather/ground conditions permitting.
Standards of grass cutting between cuts will differ particularly during the months of May and June, as these months provide the ideal growing conditions for vegetation and residents will notice longer grass. Grass in the Wednesfield North area has received it’s s regular monthly cuts, hopefully the recent flush of grass growth we are experiencing currently and of course residents attending their own gardens we will see slowdown in growth soon and a subsequent improvement in standards.”
I have also received a very welcome letter from Jeremy Corbyn The Labour Party Leader who has written a personal letter congratulating me on winning Wednesfield North! I am very pleased to receive the correspondence. I hadn’t realised that he had been a former Councillor himself. I took the fact that he said “ I am very passionate about the vitality of local government that is at the centre of our society, and I wish you all the best for your coming term.” In the same way it was sent. Thank You Jeremy your correspondence was well received!