Did You know? Kitchen Lane Ashmore Park Famous For Aviation?

Wolverhampton and the Black Country have a great big history when it comes to Aviation..

But it might still shock many a local Wednesfield resident to know that we have a bit of a track record in aviation here in Wednesfield . Indeed I would describe it as a very rich Local History.

I have always firmly believed that History can be an economic driver, and harnessing our past can provide prosperity for our future. So just to give you a peek at our history and again  to challenge you to know more about Wednesfield!

Can I inform you that in our own Kitchen Lane up on Ashmore Park- there was regular landings and take offs by planes in 1928 and 1929. Capt Summerfield of the Cornwall Aviation company gave flights at Blackhalve Lane Wednesfield. Where  an amazing 3,000 people took flights in 1928, but in 1929 the flights were not so successful


One such airshow came to Kitchen Lane on 30th July 1931. It was a very big airshow and putting on a big airshow you had to have a big back up team.

They cleared the airstrip, checked with farmers, and the Ministry before hand, then ran a motorcar over the airstrip at 60mph.

These shows were very popular but they did  require a very big organisation and the flights took place for around four years….. So there you have it Ashmore Park has a history of aircraft landings and take offs. I would love to know more about this – so is any Local person able to add to this history? Contact me if you feel that you can on email@philBateman.com

Can I thank Will Wilson of Rogers Close for bringing this info to my attention, and supplying the detail from Alec Brews book The History of Black Country Aviation.

Councillor Phil Bateman MBE -Wednesfield North (Labour Party)'s photo.

Kitchen Lane Wednesfield today, was this field used by aircraft for landings and take offs. This field is owned by the Bibby Family today living In Essington.

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more


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