In these times of financial uncertainties one of the biggest risk factors to Wolverhampton City Council is the concern that we will ‘overspend’ outside the allotted budget. Overspending would be a very concerning development.
The area of latest overspends in recent years for the City Council is Looked After Children.
This is of course a statutory duty, if a child is at risk, then the City has to act.
The City Council team with responsibilities for this is headed politically by Councillor Val Gibson.
In June we had a stable situation with some 775 children in Wolverhampton City Council care.
There is a lot of work taking place to reduce the cost of children in care, and to ensure that overspends do not happen. But the service is still viewed as being of a ‘Red Risk’ to the City Council. Ideally we would like to see this figure reducing.
Councillor Gibson has a very challenging role in this part of City Council Budget and Agenda.